Quickly Search Inside Videos in a library of a video CMS platform

by VIDIZMO Team, Last updated: November 13, 2024

A woman searching for videos on her laptop

Quickly Search Within Videos Using a Video CMS Platform

In the wise words of Benjamin Franklin “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned”. Search inside video capabilities does half this work for you by bringing the content halfway to you.

Searching inside videos is the ability to quickly find a video amongst thousands. Or better yet simply jumping to the exact part of the video you’re looking for, by typing in spoken words or names of specific persons.

A powerful smart video search engine supporting search inside video content can essentially help you find that one video amongst 1000s.

Imagine this scenario

You had a zoom meeting with one of your prospects where they briefly explained what their requirements were.

You understood and recorded that meeting for later use. However, a month later after attending various other client meetings, you want to verify whether the previous requirements are met or not.

You don’t remember the exact details and end up scrolling the entire month’s list of meeting recordings. Truly a waste of your valuable time!

At this moment, the ability to search inside videos will truly be a savior for you, allowing you to quickly and accurately sift through your pile of videos.

Do you know?

An average employee spends 25% of their time searching for information. Unlike text documents that search engines can easily read through, searching inside a video is a bit more complicated.

However, with advancements in technology, certain video search engines can read through video just as if it were a text document. Theoretically, this ability lies in three concepts:

  1. Audio to Text: If all spoken words are converted to text, then search engines can read through them easily. 

  2. Video Analysis: AI can point out what is happening in a video such as the name of the person appearing, the objects appearing, etc. 

  3. Metadata: This is like tagging a video and telling the search engine what is inside the contents of the video. It could be as simple as the author, or just tag the topic of discussion.

Above all else, you need to store and stream your videos in an application that has search capabilities to perform all of the three above. VIDIZMO offers two such applications for different use cases:

  • VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube: is a YouTube-like enterprise video platform for large organizations allowing them to create a centralized video library with smart search capabilities to help you find a video in mere seconds

  • VIDIZMO Digital Evidence Management System: is a secure AI-powered solution to collect, store, manage and share digital evidence which allows you to search within video evidence for different instances like redaction, evidence extraction, etc.

The AI-powered video software has smart search capabilities that enable you to find videos through platform-wide and in-video search features.


Learn More About VIDIZMO's Search


How Search Inside Video Has Made Our Lives Easier?

The Old-Fashioned Way

Traditionally, users had to watch the entire video to find a particular moment or get to a specific topic.

An even bigger problem was the fact that most teams do not follow a set naming convention for their video files resulting in a video library that was a cluttered mess.

No categories. No tags. No filters.

Do you remember the exact file name and where had saved it? You would not find that video easily. And if you do, then you will have to watch the entire thing again to locate the ten seconds you're searching for.

Searching for information truly was a time-taking task that no one wanted to take part in.

Employee frustrated after failing to find a video due to lack of search inside capabiilities

Moreover, sometimes all one can remember are the spoken word in a video with no clue which video it was mentioned in or the title of that particular video.

Finding such extracts from a pile of videos can be extremely time-consuming and irritable. Precious hours can be wasted on scrapping through tons of videos just to get what one is looking for.

Though, it doesn’t have to be that way!

The Smart Way With AI

The old-fashioned way required you to remember the title of the video file to find it and if you didn’t recall the title, then... my sympathies are with you.

Searching for videos was only possible through the titles and descriptions. There was no way of searching these videos otherwise.

Artificial intelligence, video indexing and metadata are truly game-changers in the arena of video search. They are the capabilities that make it possible to search inside videos for spoken words, on-screen text, faces, objects, etc.

In just a few simple clicks, you can get what you are looking for while saving time. It is not only time-saving but also increases productivity by delivering accurately filtered down search results without any manual effort.

Today, online video platforms have revolutionized the world of video search using AI and metadata. Finding from a bulk of videos is now a matter of minutes through metadata. Video metadata has made finding words easier, enabling users to sort or locate media files.

What these video platforms do is that they enable extra information to be tagged along with a video file and search engines can then search for videos based on this extra information.

Video Indexing Software Infographic

But it is important to note not all platforms are alike. It is important to choose a platform that truly delivers the best value for you effectively.

VIDIZMO – An Enterprise Video Platform with Powerful In-Video Search

1000’s of videos? So many that you can’t keep a count of them? VIDIZMO is just the right platform for this search problem! Search the relevant information in mere seconds and jump to the relevant part with its AI-enabled smart search.

VIDIZMO offers a Gartner-recognized video content management system, with powerful search capabilities.

You can host your videos on this platform or archive them. It will basically be your own YouTube-like video library with a ton of secure video management capabilities (perfect for large-scale video use cases).

End-to-End enterprise video platform of VIDIZMO with smart search

See a Live Demo of  What You Can Create Using VIDIZMO

Once these videos are on the enterprise video platform, all you need to do is just type and search the keyword or any particular topic discussed in the video and you promptly get a list showcasing all the videos where the word appears.

In-video search in VIDIZMO

Using VIDIZMO’s in-video video search capabilities, users can search inside the video for spoken words, images, faces, sentiments, labels, brands, and any keywords that appear on-screen during the entire video.

The search will not only show the list of timestamps where the keyword pops up but will take you right to the point of the video where that word was used.

VIDIZMO Search Inside Video through Transcript

To search inside video content in your collection all you have to do is enter your search phrase and VIDIZMO shows a timestamped index of all the files that consist of your phrase.

You can search for spoken words in video too, simply just TYPE that word and the list is there! Check these capabilities by requesting a comprehensive product demo from the VIDIZMO team.

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Search Inside Video Content

VIDIZMO helps you make your video library searchable through the following ways:


User-Generated Tags 

While uploading the video, the user can add single or multiple tags to all the videos such as title, labels, portrayal etc., which allows for a speedy search of videos.

Auto-generated Multilingual Tags Through AI

VIDIZMO provides the ability to automatically add relevant metadata to videos using AI as soon as they’re uploaded. These are generated using standard metadata, multilingual machine-generated transcripts and their translation as well as visual insights extracted using AI.

For Example: You uploaded an IT video. Every video has a set of metadata such as title, author name, description, closed captions, etc. So, using VIDIZMO’s user-defined attributes, allows uploaders to define which video it is. The feature would generate metadata with every video upload, which can be easily searched on VIDIZMO’s platform.

Custom Attributes

VIDIZMO allows users to assign custom attributes to improve search visibility and further expand search criteria using custom fields. For example, you can tag the instructor in a video, the location it was shot, and more. 

Then through VIDIZMO, you can filter videos in your library through these custom attributes. Below is a clear representation of how it could be done, using stadium location as an example. 

Custom Attributes supporting search inside video

In the search pane, you can then filter and narrow down based on your custom attribute (by selecting stadium location as in this example).


Search for Spoken Words

Search for exact spoken word in any language. Yes, you read it right. In any language!

Use Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) capabilities to transcribe your videos and generate closed captions in around 40 languages.

You can even have multi-lingual transcriptions with auto-detect capabilities for videos having up to 4 spoken languages. Edit these transcripts to refine them further, ensuring complete accuracy.

All transcripts are searchable, making all spoken words inside your videos and audios searchable.

You can even have your transcripts translated into more than 50 languages supporting the multilingual search for users to search in their own language. Accessibility is truly guaranteed!

On-Screen Text

Through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) users can convert their documents, videos, PDF, scanned photos, etc., into machine-coded text. Each on-page character is scanned individually so that you have a text form.


VIDIZMO Artificial Intelligence (AI) supports the detection of the facial features of the people present in videos.

Search by face empowers the users to discover and search videos and other media based on faces. It holds great potential in locating individuals related to media content, whether they are speakers, participants or, in the case of law enforcement, a suspect.

The faces which are detected in videos are displayed on side of the video, which, when clicked, will allow the user to watch the exact section where the face appeared. You can also label these faces.

For Example: Monitoring patients in healthcare and suspect identification for security purposes.


Through AI-powered voice recognition, you can identify and index speakers within videos. Label these speakers to help in future searches.

Once indexed, you can easily search by entering the names of these speakers and jumping to the right video in a large library.

Searchable Annotations

In VIDIZMO, you can add annotations to mark parts of a video and these are searchable. Through VIDIZMO’s media library, you can jump to the exact point in the video they are added at.


With VIDIZMO’s search, users can search the library by specific objects, shapes, buildings, signboards, or any other familiar known objects. This helps users to narrow down the search.

For Example: You uploaded a picture of your friend's home address, and days later you wanted to see that picture, just go on the search bar type the address or words which you remember related to it and that picture would be in front of you.

VIDIZMO’s dynamic robust search is the most extensive way to search inside video in a variety of ways, which helps organizations discover digital files accurately and quickly, reduce content search costs, save time and efficiently manage within a growing video library. Your team can now definitely put more time on business-critical tasks.

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Not Just Search - But End-to-End Video Management

VIDIZMO does not just offer a powerful search, but an enterprise video content management system for end-to-end enterprise use cases. The search is just one part of this system.


Create Your YouTube-like Video Portal Today!  With Our Free Trial

VIDIZMO supports a variety of enterprise video use cases, be it public live streaming, video marketing, sales enablement content, training courses with in-video quizzes for employees, managing recorded meetings, or asynchronous video communication secure streamed with segregated access.

Contact the VIDIZMO team today to learn more or opt for a free trial to experience these capabilities yourself!

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