Enterprise Video Platform for Organizational Learning and Development
by VIDIZMO Team, Last updated: November 14, 2024
A great number of organizations today realize the importance of using video for employee training and development activities. However, very few have a proper strategy for developing video content that will engage their employees while also educating them on the required knowledge and skills.
To develop the right type of learning video content, we must start by exploring the meaning as well as the distinction between the terms training, learning, and development.
While you may have used these terms interchangeably, it is essential to identify the difference between them as they cater to varying levels of organizational learning needs and functions that serve to meet different learning objectives and outcomes for the employee as well as the employer.
Let us start with employee training, one of the most commonly used video contents in the enterprise.
Training videos are made with the objective to enhance employee performance through the transfer of defined and measurable knowledge required to do a job. This includes training of on-the-job skills and practical hands-on experiential learning necessary for immediate impact through the practice of specific job-related tasks.
Employee onboarding also makes up a significant component of training as induction is vital to engage new hires while also setting the tone for their long and short-term success in the organization.
Next up is learning content.
Learning being a combination of training as well as education is an ongoing process that is more self-directed in nature. Your employees learn at their own time, as and when they need it to acquire new skills, insights or factual knowledge.
As opposed to training, which is typically required content, learning has more to do with an employee’s self-motivated desire to broaden their knowledge, acquire new skills, or increase their adaptive capacity to solve problems.
Taking learning a step further is employee development.
Employee development is an organization’s investment in expanding an employee’s capabilities through coaching and experiences designed to develop a resource for greater responsibilities and commitments of a future job.
In any organization, all three types or levels of learnings are important to nurture various employee needs.
But the question remains, how does an organization go about producing engaging video content for various employee training, learning, and development needs?
We have some ideas.
VIDIZMO’s enterprise video content management system empowers you with an end-to-end video streaming solution that enables you to produce any type of highly engaging video for training, learning, and development with the help of a simple camera or recording device.
Following are some simple organizational training videos that can be shot using a simple video camera or even using VIDIZMO’s Android and iOS mobile application to record videos directly from a smartphone camera.
- Orientation videos: Film orientation videos for employee onboarding to help familiarize newcomers with the teams, workplace culture, management, etc. Conduct employee onboarding using videos that give new hires information regarding the organization’s history, mission, value, organizational structure, business model – perhaps in a welcome address directly from the company’s top management. Film and introduce various team members in their natural setting to help acquaint newcomers with their coworkers as well as the workplace culture. Human resource can also use orientation videos to train and educate recruits about company compliance policies, workplace health, and safety training, as well as other company rules and regulations.
- Role play videos: Engage one or multiple professionals across organizational roles and disciplines to act out work-related scenarios in role-play videos so trainees can observe and learn work-related interactions and best practices. Furthermore, such exercises can also be a means to provide participants feedback on their skills. This method is fast and cost-efficient, and is most effective when used to emulate workplace training as well as sales and marketing training for jobs that require external interaction with customers and clients.
- Field videos: Bring along a camera to record field training videos as your company’s field experts execute their regular tasks and drills. With this, trainees can observe and quickly learn the skills and procedures that qualify the trainee to perform a new job function. Such training videos are especially relevant for service orientated roles or experience-based jobs that require apprenticeship training. Use VIDIZMO’s smartphone application to record directly from your phone or live stream field training for highly engaged audience participation via live chat, polls, quizzes, Q&A, etc. – all using VIDIZMO’s interactive live video streaming capabilities.
- Product or process demonstration videos: Employ video training to educate your new hires about your products and services while also training them about the best ways to sell or market them. Film videos to demonstrate and explain how your product/ service works, how customers use it, its value propositions to clients, best practices for marketing and selling the product, etc. – all of which can be done using videos that can help train and educate new as well as existing employees. Use VIDIZMO’s video platform to share product demos with external sellers, re-sellers, agents, etc.
- Classroom/ instructor-led training: Live stream any classroom training sessions or workshops to a scalable audience anywhere, on any device. Remove any physical space limitations by extending the reach of your training sessions to all relevant resource or even across the entire organization. Record all instructor-led sessions to utilize them repeatedly for different audience or to train new employees or even external resources.
- Equipment handling and product training videos: Train your employees about the processes, operations, and expertise required to run heavy machinery or specialized industrial equipment, which requires meticulous training that is both high level and hands-on for employees to gain maximum knowledge and skill to operate the equipment before they even start. This type of training is particularly important in the manufacturing and construction. The same also applies to industries with remote employees such as shipping or airlines where training and other communication has to be delivered in remote locations with network and bandwidth bottlenecks, which VIDIZMO resolves for seamless video delivery anywhere, in any network conditions.
- Screencast videos: Simultaneously record screen capture videos from your computer along with your talking heading video presentation to provide your trainees highly engaging screencasts for computer/web-based training opportunities. Screencast training videos are most relevant for demonstrating and teaching the use of software features or any digital processes supported with video and audio narration from the trainer or presenter. Screencasts are a highly engaging yet economical type of video presentation conveniently recorded with VIDIZMO, promoting fast and efficient digital learning straight from the trainer’s desktop.
Next up are learning videos. These are videos your employees are not obligated or required to watch but ones they would be self-motivated to find and learn from once they are available in a centralized, highly accessible video learning platform. Following are some examples of easy-to-create video learning content:
- Case study and simulation videos: Simulate real-life business cases or scenarios in case study videos to promote high learner engagement that encourages them to think independently for business problem-solving. Supplement the video study with open discussions to analyze problems presented in a case. Also, employ simulation videos based on actual, potential challenges an employee is likely to encounter as part of their job, and use video learning to project possible ways to solve those problems.
- Microlearning videos: Your employees forget most of the long-drawn video content from their initial training sessions. To help them utilize those training sessions, shorten your lengthier training videos into 4-7 minute bite-size learning videos personalized to help employees solve every day work-related tasks and challenges. As your learning video content grows in volume, VIDIZMO’s highly searchable video platform makes it easy for your employees to find the most relevant learning videos from a sea of videos within seconds.
- Employee-generated videos: Encourage your company’s subject matter experts and industry veterans to record videos to document and preserve their knowledge. With VIDIZMO, you can make such high-value learning videos accessible to your entire workforce to fulfill individual learning needs. Ensure that all outgoing or retiring employees also document their skills and knowledge on video for their successors and others to learn.
- Executive videos: Record all executive speeches, CEO town halls and other videos from your company’s top management that outline the company’s mission, values, purpose, as well as periodic business performance updates. Make the videos accessible to all employees to bridge the gap between them and the management and to help everyone stay connected with the organization’s larger
- Motivational videos: Disseminate motivational videos across all teams to inspire and boost employee engagement from time to time. Incorporate team building videos to energize teams to work together in the workplace. However, instead of going the traditional route of inducing team building activities, ask teams to collaborate and come up with creative ideas for team building activates that work best for them, which in turn also gets them to work together. The suggestions and the final activities can then be filmed on videos to extend and share across the firm. Additionally, motivational videos can be sourced from third-party sources like TED Talks to promote diversity of content.
- Event videos: Not every employee can be engaged in corporate events, workshops and seminar. However, live streaming such events or sharing video recordings afterward could extend the reach of your events while giving employees across the firm the opportunity to benefit from the learnings of such events. VIDIZMO helps you scale your events live or on-demand to all your employees through a single video platform accessible to all employees from anywhere, on any device.
- Self-instruction or learner-led videos: Learning is a continually ongoing progression in the workplace. However, empowering learners to become the ones imparting knowledge could go a long way in building employee confidence, skill, and trust in their capabilities while also helping them become highly engaged learners themselves. Empower your employees with video to document their learnings or even the learning journey, which in turn solidifies their knowledge and while also motivating others to do the same.
Taking learning content a step further is employee development video content geared towards nurturing high potential employees for senior leadership roles or providing content that helps employees with career development, cross-functional learning, coaching, and other forms of self-motivated learning and educational material for professional and personal grooming. Following are some examples of some easy-to-create value-added development videos for your employees:
- Soft skills training videos: Bring in experts for soft skills training for communication, leadership, motivation, problem solving, persuasion, teamwork and more. Deliver the session to all your employees in a live stream and make recorded videos available for on-demand viewing and referencing. Such developmental videos could contribute immensely to polish and refine employee skills in core competencies that make for highly qualified, emotionally intelligent professionals.
- Coaching and mentoring videos: Use live or on-demand video to create opportunities for virtual coaching and mentoring opportunities between experienced professionals/ coaches and your company’s best upcoming talent. Coaches and mentors can also record videos on broad topics relevant to employee coaching. Also, store and document any video conferencing sessions between mentors and mentees for others to benefit.
- Cross-departmental training videos: Establish a non-silo-ed approach to organizational development by giving your employees exposure to cross-departmental activities and capabilities to prepare them for leadership positions or to simply give people insight into things outside their professional domain. Such video could cover departmental activities and include input from teams to convey what they do, current happenings, new updates, future plans, etc.
- Live-streamed international conferences and workshops: It is not always possible to bring all talented professionals to major conferences and workshops due to cost and time constraint. You can, however, bring the events to them. Live stream high-profile corporate events for employees to learn without having to attend the event in person. Provide on-demand videos of the live event for those who cannot attend live due to conflicting time zones or simply for self-paced learning.
- Continuing education videos: With fast-evolving technology disruptions affecting every aspect of organizational units, your employees need continual education of technological innovations, industry trends, and new other learnings. For this, you can provide your employees continued education videos they can use for developmental learning on an ongoing basis, helping them upkeep their professional capabilities in a continually evolving corporate landscape.
- Intellectual development videos: Your employees are highly motivated by opportunities for emotional, social and intellectual growth at work. Provisioning development videos focused on nurturing your employees’ emotional intelligence not only fulfills their aspirations for intellectual growth but also benefits the organization with emotionally aware leaders and managers who then yield highly motivated, productive and successful teams.
- Non-work related videos: There is more to your employees than their professional life. Employers who care for their employees’ wellbeing invests in developing well-balanced professionals with a good sense of work-life balance, physical and mental health, personal finances, healthy relationship, emotional stability, etc. – all of which can sometimes go unnoticed or unacknowledged at work. Provide videos for employees to educate and help them navigate non-work related spheres so they can find the right balance between their personal and professional life, while also feeling happy and supported. Such content can be created in-house or sourced from third-party platforms.
For all the video content types mentioned above and more, VIDIZMO provides a complete solution for comprehensive video streaming, storage, management and distribution via a single enterprise video platform.
For more on VIDIZMO, contact us today or visit our website for details on how we can help you execute your training and development strategy.
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