5 Types of Videos to Make Employee Onboarding More Engaging

by VIDIZMO Team, Last updated: November 13, 2024

Employee smiling while watching an onboarding video

5 Must-Have Videos to Make Employee Onboarding Engaging

At one time, most of you must have been a new employee. We know what it is like to enter the office on the first day feeling lost and clueless. The people who guided you well at that time are forever remembered. This is precisely why proper onboarding is so important. It is the first impression a company leaves on a new employee, and getting it right directly impacts employee retention. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, well-structured and organized onboarding where employee needs are prioritized increases their retention by about 50%.

Employee onboarding is not a short one-day process. In most cases, it takes at least 3 months for employees to start working at their full capacity. If done correctly, onboarding can help to improve on-the-job performance by providing new hires with role clarity. A tool that can help speed up this process is "video." Employee onboarding videos can streamline several components of this lengthy process. Videos offer several benefits:

Benefits of Using Video for Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding videos offer several benefits that can streamline your employee onboarding process.

Videos allow onboarding employees remotely

With the number of remote employees increasing rapidly, onboarding online through videos is a good way of making the process fun and engaging. It can also bring in a more human touch for the new hires.

Videos make employee onboarding engaging

Videos relay all the content and incorporate audio-visual explanations and demonstrations to make learning more fun and interesting. They are also faster to go through and hence are an efficient way to relay information and train employees.

Employee onboarding videos can be stored and re-watched multiple times

Once published on a video platform, videos can be stored for as long as necessary. Hence, new hires can easily refer to them whenever they are confused about any task.

Quickening up employee onboarding through videos also reduces the cost

Companies' collection of general employee onboarding videos and department-wise videos can be created and stored. These videos can easily be shared with new hires, reducing costs and saving valuable time.

5 Main Types of Employee Onboarding Videos

So, let us get to the much-awaited five types of videos to quicken up employee onboarding:

1. Employee Onboarding Video on "Company Introduction and Culture"

Video to welcome to new employees

A company introduction or culture video is the first video that the new hires should be shown. This video should briefly highlight the products, team, office environment and culture.

It can incorporate messages from the company's CEO, the department manager, and key staff members. The video can also highlight different areas of the office alongside these messages. This type of video aims to make the new employees feel appreciated and welcomed in the company.

An excellent example of a company culture video is of the company "Drift", which highlighted different company departments alongside giving an overview of the company culture. Have a look here

2. Employee Onboarding Video to Explain "Company Policies and Benefits"

A survey has shown that, in the first week, 73% of the new employees want to receive a detailed overview of company policies. Every company has policies that guide staff conduct and company processes. The company policy is usually the second document a new hire receives after receiving their job acceptance letter.

Reading these lengthy policy documents can be very intimidating for the new hires. Since humans are naturally more receptive to videos than written text, the new hire will be happier to learn the company policy by watching an engaging video. Break these policies into a series of digestible video chunks to not overwhelm employees. Also, showcase company benefits in this video series so that employees see how the company cares for them.

3. Employee Onboarding Videos to Assist in "General Orientation"

Traditionally an in-person orientation for new hires is held on their first day to explain all crucial company and job details. Documents are then shared explaining all the crucial office guidelines, and IT support guides them regarding all software, applications, and equipment to be used. All this takes up one or two days and involves several office employees. The new employee usually scrambles to remember all the information.

This process can be made more efficient by creating a general orientation video guide pack with different videos explaining all these details. New employees can then meet their team and HR personnel on the first day and ask any remaining questions. This also allows the candidate to feel more at ease from the get-go.

4. Employee Onboarding Videos for "Transfer of Knowledge"

Rarely do new hires get the chance to meet the people whose positions they will be taking. This often creates a continuity problem because it's challenging for the new hire to come in and pick up where the other person left. However skilled the new recruit is, they may take time to adjust to the new role.

Transfer of Knowledge videos are designed to make this "adjustment" period as short as possible. Outgoing staff or manager can record a video to explain the essential job details for the new hires to watch and quickly catch up.

5. Employee Onboarding Video Pack for "Key Skills Training"

Skill training is a crucial component of the employee onboarding process. Conducting employee onboarding training in a video course format can quicken up this process and ensure better retention of the content for employees. Audio-visual cues help make the whole explanation come to life. A playlist of training courses can be stored in the internal video portal of the company's corporate learning solution for employees to refer to whenever they require assistance.

It is crucial to think of this cost on new employee skills training as an investment that will deliver ten-fold returns once the new hires start delivering performance at their full potential. Moreover, according to a survey, training is considered by 76% of employees to be the top factor contributing to a successful onboarding in their first week of employment. It definitely makes the employee feel valued.


So, What Videos Exactly Do Organizations Need?

Organizations are at liberty to create as many types of videos as they need to make the onboarding process smooth and effective. A useful solution to make this process of video creation, management, and storage easier is "VIDIZMO", a corporate learning solution specially designed to cater to enterprise needs.

Image showing VIDIZMO's Corporate Learning Portal

It can effectively store and manage all the various video types while fulfilling security and compliance requirements. It also has additional features like:

  • Option to add interactivity in training videos through quizzes, annotations, etc.
  • Integration with Zoom to automatically ingest videos onto its video portal.
  • Options to assign or restrict user (or group) access to a specific video.
  • Quick searchability features, even through in-video spoken words, faces, and images.
  • Training analytics to evaluate success.

Click below to learn more about VIDIZMO's corporate learning solution.

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These are the main types of videos that companies can produce to streamline the employee onboarding process. Through these videos, employees can digest all key information bit by bit without getting overwhelmed and intimidated. They will also feel that the company values their presence and cares about their learning and performance.

Get a free trial of VIDIZMO Corporate Learning Solution today to experience the ease of managing these employee onboarding videos.

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