How Can an Online Training Delivery Platform Assist Enterprises?

by VIDIZMO Team, Last updated: October 28, 2024

How Can an Online Training Delivery Platform Assist Enterprises?

Training and onboarding is an essential part of human resource management in every industry. So much so that organizations spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on training every year. That’s why it’s surprising that most organizations still follow rather dated training systems and methods, despite recent advancements in technology. Now, organizations could get more bang for their buck. All they would have to do is invest in a decent online training delivery platform.

While some industries use training mainly to deepen understanding or to sharpen skills, in others, training can be the difference between life and death. Take the mining industry for example. Miners need to master their art from the very get go. There is usually no room for mistake at all. Even small lapses in concentration can have grave consequences. As is the case with energy and chemical industries.

In such industries, employees need to have the training material at their disposal that they can revisit for quick refreshers, any time on any device they have at hand. Therefore, in-class sessions don’t suffice for them. On-demand video lessons would serve them better and an online training delivery platform would prove to be a gift that keeps on giving.


An Online Training Delivery Platform Provides Convenient, Cost-Effective Training

In the past, most organizations shied away from video as a corporate learning tool because the whole idea of video learning was very expensive. Even creating a proper video required the intervention of a skilled AV team. Hiring the AV team was considered an unnecessary cost by most organizations.

However, recent advancements in technology haver made video creation and distribution a more accessible and attainable possibility for organizations, effectively rendering AV teams redundant. That’s not to say that AV teams don’t have a place in the world anymore. They are better suited for more professional-grade, high-quality video production. As far as training and learning videos are concerned, organizations can handle those on their own. All they need is an online training delivery platform.

In fact, if anything, video training will cost organizations less than they spend on their current training methods. For starters, they won’t have to dedicate extra resources for training – personnel, furniture, equipment, rooms. Secondly, they won’t have to repeat the same material over and over. One of the biggest advantages of video training is that videos can be reused. A topic that is discussed with every new batch of trainees and remains largely unchanged can be recorded and preserved in video. And when trainees don’t have to book together in rooms and personnel don’t have to be dedicated to sessions, it saves overhead costs as well.

And that’s just the organization. We haven’t even begun to discuss how video training benefits employees. Firstly, they can watch training videos anywhere on any device at their convenience. It will help with retention if the employees are comfortable when they take in the training content. Plus, they can revisit the training content on the online training delivery platform whenever they need a quick refresher.

It Helps in Preserving the Expertise of Outgoing Employees

There used to be a time when there was significant brain drain in organizations. There was no way to record the knowledge and wisdom of retiring employees – at least no feasible way. But if organizations are still concerned about brain drain today then that’s on them. Videos and an online training delivery platform are the easiest way to keep an everlasting record of all knowledge outgoing employees have to impart on the newcomers.

They don’t need any high-tech equipment to shoot short videos of older employees sharing their experience. Even as little as a laptop webcam would suffice. And before you know it, you have an entire library of information like an Olympic torch ready to be passed on to the next employee.

And since everyone usually has a smartphone in their pocket, the videos can be watched almost immediately. This, in some situations, can be life-saving.

After the videos are recorded, they can then be stored in a central location. Since online training delivery platforms allow for videos to be accessed from any device, anywhere, the incoming employees only need to be informed about the videos and they can watch them whenever they have the time, be it at work or at home. The best part is that these videos don’t have an expiration date and they can be reused over and over.

Do you Need Help with High-risk Employee Training?

VIDIZMO can help. With several years of experience, VIDZIMO has become the preferred video training partner for hundreds of organizations. We help these organizations record, share, store online, and conveniently deliver all types of corporate learning videos. 

Learn more about VIDIZMO’s training & learning offerings and capabilities.

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