Whether its sharing of a recorded meeting between two colleagues or sending a demo video to a prospect, video sharing is an essential part of modern organizations. With large amounts of video sharing taking place, there comes a challenge - How do you effectively share these videos and more importantly how do you define boundaries for such sharing (Who can share them? For How long? Who can they share with?)
An enterprise video content management system like VIDIZMO offers a breadth of options for sharing videos and defining their access; allowing you to define how videos are being shared, and at the same time, get the most out of them.
In this blog, we will discuss the different business problems when it comes to video sharing and how VIDIZMO can be used as a video sharing site to help solve them.
A lot of videos within organizations need to be restricted to internal audiences only. These can include employee training videos, trade secrets, or recorded meetings with strategic information discussed. If these videos are accessed by individuals outside the organization, it can lead to either financial loss, violation of agreements, legal action, violation of compliance, damage to reputation etc.
To safeguard such videos, VIDIZMO provides you with the option to store videos that are only accessible after being authenticated.
Once videos have been restricted for internal viewing only, there comes another problem: How do you restrict viewing to certain departments, groups or people. For instance, you wouldn't want the entire organization to view the videos from the human resources department, and restrict such viewing to this department only. Access management an important concern for organizations, especially with cloud-based systems.
To solve this challenge, VIDIZMO, a video distribution platform provides you with three options. Firstly, you can create separate portals for each department to restrict access to within the department only. One portal for human resource videos and one for marketing, and so on.
However, certain videos are meant to be shared with multiple departments and you wouldn't want to create multiple copies for each portal. This is where you can use the second option, defining access based on groups. VIDIZMO allows you to create groups (or sync them through your SSO) and define access based on them.
Here's an example of how access has been restricted to the marketing, accounts and legal team.
Organizations have to share videos with external stakeholders as well, which can include partners, shareholders, prospects, customers or the public. The external sharing could be to anonymous viewers or only to specific viewers, and VIDIZMO provides the capabilities to do both.
To share videos publicly, VIDIZMO allows you to set access as public and these can be made available in a brandable YouTube-like portal. Your viewers can then watch the videos with an ad-free experience, on a custom domain, and engage with your content (likes, comments, link sharing, or social sharing).
Organizations need to share certain videos with select individuals only, and for that VIDIZMO provides the capability to share videos through links, with optional password protection for added security. Additionally, all videos stored and streamed through VIDIZMO are end-to-end encrypted.
However, an issue with most video sharing platforms is that they offer you to generate only one link and there aren't any tools to manage the link sharing process. VIDIZMO, on the other hand, allows you to generate multiple links to send to multiple audiences. In fact, you can manage all of your links for each video, see who shared them, and delete links when you no longer want certain audiences to be able to access your videos.
Another challenge that organizations face is that they need to restrict what recipients can do once they have a video. VIDIZMO offers multiple features to allow you to define what they can do.
An issue with link sharing is that your recipients can share it ahead with other recipients, and to restrict this, you can invite your recipients over email, where they would receive an email with a unique link that requires them to sign-in to access the video.
Once they are authenticated, you can restrict the number of views that recipients get and the time between which they can access the video.
With large amounts of videos, you would want to give your line managers the autonomy to mange, share and define access for videos themselves. However, you would want to restrict them when it comes to sharing. For instance, you don't want your managers to be able to set video access as public or share them externally.
Through VIDIZMO, you can set access policies for the entire organization and on a departmental level as well. Managers can be restricted to be able to share videos within their department only or can be given the autonomy to share across the organization or even publicly.
VIDIZMO offers an Enterprise Video Platform that enables organizations to effectively share and manage large amounts of video, define who can watch them, what they can do with them, and then keep a log of activities performed on them. All of this with secure end-to-end encryption.
Whether its for security, compliance or organizational requirements, VIDIZMO natively offers detailed sharing features and also caters to customized feature requests as part of video professional services.
VIDIZMO offers much more features to solve videos challenges across large organizations.